Monday 23 April 2012

Mi Weekend

Welcome back to mi new blog.

Fank you for all of your text messages and twitter messages about the party.  Mi fone were bizzy.  It turned out that Mummee and Daddee had only invited nice people anyway do it woz fun

I liked Sunday better though.  We did go to the woods and I went swimmin

Annie  played wiv the mud and got filfy

And Peggy had a go at learnin window cleenin.  She did not think to get the ladder out though cos she is only a cat and not as clever as us dogz

Annie was tired after it.  This is an advanced sleepin position and not fer the faint hearted.

Teddy Pawz

I thought that it was about time to tell you about Teddy Pawz.

Teddy pawz are the little doggies second best weppon (after barkin).  If you can use yer Teddie paws properly – you can get away wiv ennyfin.

Here is how to do it

Start by sitting there wiv yer cutest face on
Roll over and put yer teddy paws in the air.

Hoomans can’t resist it – they go all gushy and rub yer tummy an praps even giv yer a choo or a biskit

Saturday 21 April 2012

BBQ Update

Mummee and Daddee haz got lot of scery peeple here.
I don't know what to say to them.
I wants sum chikkin but there int anny
Will have to make do wiv sossidge

Friday 20 April 2012

Jimi’s First Blog Week
You would not believe what happened to me yisterdy!

I finded a luverly fox poo to roll in – reddy for Annies Gotcha Day BBQ.  It was great.  So gud infact that in nearly made Mummee puke.
But gess what Mummee and Daddee did!

They washed it all off!!!!!

They used babee shampoo as well.

Now I is all floofy and looks like a poof
Don’t know why they call it shampoo.  It aint got no poo in it,  I smells yuk!!!

But us dogz is very fergivvin so I am cookin blancmange and spam fritters tomorrow for their barbecue.

It Eeezy.  All yer do is to git sum spam and blancmange together in a fritter.

Goes well with a marmite topping

Thursday 19 April 2012

I am Jimi and what I sez goes cos I know evryfin
And I haz got a lot to say!